How to Get Rid of Palmetto Bugs? 5 Excellent Tips

Palmetto Bugs

How to Get Rid of Palmetto Bugs?

Hey there, bug warriors! Are you tired of uninvited guests scuttling around your home, wreaking havoc, and making you jump on the nearest chair like a terrified cartoon character? Well, fear not, because today we’re diving headfirst into the epic battle against palmetto bugs. Those elusive critters seem to have a knack for appearing at the most inconvenient times, causing instant shudders and cries for help. But fret not, my friend! This blog post gives fantastic tips and tricks for bidding farewell to these unwelcome invaders. Get ready to take charge of your home and kick those palmetto bugs to the curb!

Let’s be honest – palmetto bugs are the opposite of delightful company. They’re sneaky, unsightly, and about as welcome in your home as a skunk at a perfume convention. But before we get down to business and show you how to give them the boot, let’s clear up any confusion about these critters.

Now, some folks might refer to them as “cockroaches,” but let’s face it, that term doesn’t do them justice. Palmetto bugs are like the black belts of the cockroach world – they’re bigger, faster, and have an uncanny ability to materialize out of thin air when you least expect it. They have a sixth sense for spotting that freshly baked batch of cookies you left on the kitchen counter.

But fear not, my determined warriors against household pests, because we’re bringing out the big guns in this blog post. We will arm you with knowledge, equip you with practical solutions, and turn you into a palmetto bug terminator!

So, strap on your bug-fighting boots and get ready to unleash your inner pest slayer. We’ll guide you through every step, from understanding this creepy crawlies to implementing strategies to make your home an impenetrable fortress against their six-legged shenanigans. No more late-night bug-induced adrenaline rushes or dramatic leaps onto furniture like an Olympic gymnast. It’s time to reclaim your space and sleep peacefully, knowing that you’ve sent those palmetto bugs packing!

Are you ready to join the battle? Then let’s dive right in and bid those unwanted house guests farewell. Sayonara, palmetto bugs! You won’t be missed!

What are Palmetto Bugs?

Before we charge into battle against these formidable foes, let’s take a moment to understand our adversaries. Palmetto bugs, scientifically known as American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana), are often mistaken for their smaller and less intimidating cockroach cousins. However, they are a distinct species; boy, do they pack a punch!

Palmetto bugs thrive in warm and humid environments, making them a common nuisance in many parts of the United States. These resilient critters can grow up to two inches long, with reddish-brown bodies and long antennae. Equipped with wings, they are exceptional flyers, which means they can zip around your home faster than you can say “pest control.”

How to Identify Palmetto Bug Infestations?

Palmetto Bugs

The first step in eradicating palmetto bugs from your home is to determine whether you’re dealing with a massive full-blown infestation or just a few stray visitors. Here are some telltale signs to watch out for:

Sightings of The Palmetto Bugs:

Spotting these bugs scurrying across your floors or walls indicates their presence. Look for them in dark, moist areas like basements, bathrooms, and kitchens.

Fecal Droppings of Palmetto Bugs:

Palmetto bugs leave behind small, dark droppings resembling coffee grounds. Check around potential hiding spots, such as behind appliances or corners, to detect signs of their presence.

Egg Capsules of Palmetto Bugs:

These pests produce brown, purse-shaped egg capsules that contain multiple eggs. Finding these capsules in hidden nooks and crannies can confirm an infestation.

How to Protect Your Home Against Palmetto Bugs?

Now that we know our enemy, it’s time to fortify our defenses and make our homes an inhospitable place for palmetto bugs. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

Keep your place clean:

Palmetto bugs are attracted to food sources and moisture, so maintaining a clean and dry environment is crucial. Sweep and vacuum regularly, paying extra attention to cracks and crevices where crumbs can accumulate. Fix any leaky pipes or faucets and keep drains clear of debris.

Seal all Entry Points:

Block all potential entry points to deny these critters access to your home. Inspect doors, windows, and foundation cracks for gaps and seal them using caulk or weatherstripping.

Store Food Away in Safe Spaces:

Store food in airtight containers and keep countertops free of crumbs and spills. Consider removing pet food and water bowls at night or elevating them off the floor to reduce the attractiveness to palmetto bugs.

Focus on Outdoor Maintenance:

Trim bushes and trees away from your home’s exterior to limit hiding places for palmetto bugs. Clean up any leaf piles or debris around the yard, as they can serve as harboring spots.

Palmetto Bugs

What are Non-Chemical Remedies for Palmetto Bugs?

If you prefer non-chemical approaches or want to supplement your pest control efforts, here are some natural remedies to repel and deter palmetto bugs:

Diatomaceous Earth:

Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth around potential entry points and in areas where you suspect palmetto bug activity. This powdery substance, made from fossilized remains of marine organisms, dehydrates and kills bugs.

Essential Oils:

Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus are known for repelling palmetto bugs. Create a solution by mixing a few drops of these oils with water and spraying it around windows, doors, and other areas prone to infestation.


Believe it or not, catnip contains a natural repellent called nepetalactone that can send palmetto bugs running for cover. Place small sachets of dried catnip in infested areas or sprinkle catnip leaves near their hiding spots.

When Should You Call in the Professionals for Palmetto Bugs?

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, palmetto bug infestations persist or become overwhelming. In such cases, it’s wise to seek professional help. 

Pest control experts have the knowledge, experience, and access to more potent treatments to eliminate these resilient pests effectively.

When choosing a pest control company, look for those with a proven track record and eco-friendly approaches. Ensure they use safe products and methods for your family and pets. 

Professional exterminators can assess the extent of the infestation, customize a treatment plan, and provide long-term prevention strategies.

How to Prevent Future Infestations of Palmetto Bugs?

Congratulations! You’ve successfully banished those palmetto bugs from your home. But the fight doesn’t end here. To prevent future infestations, continue practicing good sanitation habits, sealing entry points, and keeping your surroundings clean and dry. Regularly inspect your home for any signs of pest activity and address them promptly.

Remember, persistence is vital when it comes to pest control. Stay vigilant, and don’t hesitate to take preventive measures even after winning the battle.


By implementing these strategies and understanding the behavior of palmetto bugs, you’re well on your way to reclaiming your home and bidding farewell to those pesky intruders. 

With a combination of cleanliness, sealing entry points, natural remedies, and professional assistance if needed, you can create an environment where palmetto bugs dare not tread. 

So, arm yourself with knowledge, gather your bug-fighting gear, and prepare to say goodbye to those unwelcome guests. You’ve got this!


Where Do Roaches Come From?

Where Do Roaches Come From?

You keep your home clean and sanitized, still, you see cockroaches crawling all over the floor and your kitchen cabinet. Well, where do roaches come from? This must be quite a disturbing question if you think about it. 

Cockroaches are usually attracted to food and water. Also, they might invade your house looking for shelter. There are so many ways a roach can enter your house. Suppose your neighboring properties have a cockroach infestation. In that case, chances are they might have sneaked into your apartment or home, and you don’t even know until they have extra family members and extended their family line. Also, no matter how clean your home is – they tend to get into the cleanest living spaces. This might be because we unknowingly bring them home. 

In this blog, we will discuss where do roaches come from and what attracts them to your house.

Where Do Roaches Come From?

Where do roaches come from

Cockroaches carry several disease-causing bacterias, which might cause many health issues for humans. If you see these critters roaming around your house, they have already been there or might have entered the house through some holes and cracks. Also, they are considered great hitchhikers. They can discreetly get in your travel bags or luggage and come to your home uninvited. They can also get in through sewers and drainage systems. 

What Attracts Roaches to Your House?

Where do roaches come from

Now that you know where roaches come from, it is time to understand what attracts roaches to your house. Everyone keeps their house clean. But they invade your personal space mainly for three common reasons – food, shelter, and water. They are difficult to control and are quite resilient. However, different species of cockroaches are attracted to and thrive in different environmental conditions. We have mentioned some of the species and living conditions –

Oriental Cockroaches

Where Do Roaches Come From

Oriental cockroaches prefer dark, cool, and moist surroundings. You can find them outdoors, with a huge supply of wood chips and other organic matter. You can also find them under the patio or around the gaps in your garden soil. They are usually found near leaky pipes and refrigerators if they are inside your house. 

German Cockroaches

Where Do Roaches Come From

German cockroaches are indoor roaches. You can find them near warm, humid, and dark areas like the kitchen, the sinks, under your fridge, the washing machine, etc. You can even find them crawling in the bathroom when there is a huge cockroach infestation. 

American Cockroaches

Where Do Roaches Come From

You can find American cockroaches in your home, bakeries, grocery stores, or anywhere food is prepared and stored. They prefer damp and moist areas like your basement and boiler room. You must eliminate them as soon as possible, as they might contaminate your food, causing diseases such as cholera, jaundice, food poisoning, etc.

Brown-Banded Cockroaches

Brown-banded cockroaches prefer warmer and drier environments. They usually live in areas your eyes can’t reach, like – top shelves, cabinets, etc. Also, they can be found in your books, eating up your pages. 


Cockroaches are very discreet creatures. They never make noises. Hence, you cannot know if they have already invaded the house. So, as you now know where do roaches come from, always inspect the grocery bags or anything you get from outside. Cockroaches tend to sit there quietly without even you knowing it. Also, take necessary precautions to control these pests, like – using roach bombs or spray, or you can even call in a professional who can completely get rid of them.


Q1. Should I be worried about seeing a cockroach?

Ans. If you see a cockroach crawling on your floor at any time of the day, you must understand there is a cockroach infestation. Thus, you must take the necessary precautions to get rid of them.

Q2. Are killing cockroaches bad?

Ans. If you see a cockroach kill it immediately. This is because they cause diseases by contaminating your food. Also, they might bite you if there is a shortage of food. 

Q3. What are cockroaches scared of?

Ans. Cockroaches fear lizards and other big animals that might prey on them. They are also scared of humans.

Q4. How powerful are the cockroaches?

Ans. Cockroaches can endure high pressure, which makes it impossible to crush them. They are remarkably strong and can sustain weights 900 times their body weight. 

Know All About the Albino Roach!

albino roach

Have you ever seen a white-colored creature creeping on the floor, looking disgusting? Well, it is nothing but a cockroach, and this one’s name is Albino Roach. But is it dangerous? Or is it a matter of concern? But, most importantly, where do they come from? In this blog, we have covered some facts about albino roaches so that you have your answers and know how to get rid of them. 

What is an Albino Roach?

Albino roaches, also known as white roaches. They are of the cockroach species – nothing different. Also, they are theoretically not albino. Also, if you think they are rare because it is the first time you have seen them, know they are as common as any other cockroach. 

What Causes Albino Roaches?

Actually, cockroaches are always in the process of development, or transition called molting. Molting is a process where the cockroaches shed their skin and transition to another phase of life. As they molt, they grow bigger and worse cockroaches. The cockroaches do not have bones to support their body. Instead, they have an exoskeleton, but the exoskeleton does not grow as the bone. So, when the cockroaches are in a growing phase, they outgrow their exoskeleton, making them shed. In place of the old exoskeleton, they grow a new one. After molting, the cockroaches become more vulnerable as they do not have an outer shell to cover them. The outer covering of the cockroach is soft, pliable at first, and has no pigmentation. Thus, the cockroaches turn white every time they shed. 

Depending on the species, the cockroaches will undergo 5 to 14 molting phases, and each time they shed their skin, you will find them white. Thus, the name albino roach. 

Are Albino Roaches Rare?

Albino roaches or white roaches are not rare. After molting, they are vulnerable to external attacks. So they live in hiding in the dark. The new shell is not rigid enough to provide movement. Thus, it makes it hard for the albino cockroach to run away. This is why you do not have enough of them roaming in and around your house. 

Before they molt, they find shelter to avoid being eaten by other predators. So, they stay there for a few days until their exoskeleton is back to normal. 

Are Albino Roaches Dangerous?

The color white in the roaches makes them look more sinister than other roaches. But, in reality, they do not bite as they do not have stingers after they molt. But, like any other cockroach, they are said to carry diseases, and their feces, egg cases, and exoskeleton can cause allergy, asthma, or worse. So, you do not want a white roach scurrying around your kitchen and other parts of the house. 

So, if you see a white roach roaming around, understand they are the potential harbinger of disease. Also, you will know an exoskeleton lying around the house, which might harbor disease. Also, if you see one albino roach, know there are more dwellings in some dark corners of your house. It is also possible that they have been in your food closet and kitchen pantry, depositing bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, or mold, which can make you sick. But, you need to know, they are so good at hiding that you won’t find one. 


If you ever see an albino roach, it is not a matter of curiosity but a wake-up call. Hence, calling pest control can be a wise decision. Also, several other DIY home remedies can help you eliminate them easily. In addition, you can also use some roach bombs that can make them come out of their hiding. 

Texas Cockroaches – A Survival Guide

Texas Cockroaches

The term Texas cockroach identifies the cockroaches living in the Texas area. People living in Texas might know it is one of the most “Roachiest” areas in the United States. This is because the climate in Texas is very suitable for roaches to live in. The heat waves and flood drives them into the houses, causing cockroach infestation. Thus, it is not the most appropriate place for those who cannot stand the sight of these little critters. 

In this blog, we will discuss how to survive the Texas cockroaches. 

What are the Types of Texas Cockroaches?

To understand how to survive these cockroaches and stop cockroach infestation, you must know what the types of cockroaches in Texas

American Cockroaches

Among all other cockroaches, American cockroaches are monsters. It is huge and has an oval-shaped body with flat, spiny legs, long wings, and antennae. They are reddish brown in color and have a yellow ring-like pattern behind their heads. With such distinctive colors and detailed features, it is easy to recognize if you see them roaming around. 

american texas cockroach

They live inside and outside of your home comfortably. They need dark and moist spaces, such as a basement, boiler rooms, kitchen, etc. If outside, they live in the trees, decomposing logs, city dumpsters, storm drains, sewer systems, compost, etc. 

They have a wing of up to four inches and fly like a noisy airplane. You can hear the flutter while they are in the air. And, of course, they look scarily huge while flying. However, the worst part is they have the habit of flying toward you, and sometimes, they might land on you – this gives chills down the spine, doesn’t it?

German Cockroaches

German cockroaches are one of the most dangerous Texas cockroaches. Once they get settled somewhere, they will spread until they are all over. They cause severe destruction. Once they enter your house, they will never leave easily. These tiny light brown cockroaches are among the smallest of the species. Due to this reason, they usually go unnoticed. 

Apart from its tiny size, a German cockroach has dark stripes running down its back. The black marking is more visible in the cowl behind its head. It is thicker and bolder on younger roaches who do not have wings yet. They can live in any holes and crevices on the wall because of their tiny and flat bodies. Also, they can lay dozens of eggs at a time and prefer tightly confined and well-hidden spaces which are closed and well-hidden. You will find them behind the kitchen cabinet and pantry areas, under your refrigerator, and behind the cupboards and almirahs. They are also one of the flying Texas cockroaches. Also, they leave droppings everywhere they go, spreading disease by contaminating food. 

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches have a shiny exoskeleton and easily be identified among Texas cockroaches. Their potent and strange stinky smell easily distinguishes them. They can grow to 1.25 inches long and are often called mid-size cockroaches. They are rounder than German cockroaches and have shorter antennae. They have wings that are short or almost non-existence. Also, for better identification, they are jet black in color – which is rare among cockroaches.

These Texas cockroaches love to dwell near damp and moist areas like garages, bathrooms, laundry, and other perimeters in your house. They are much more agile than other cockroach species and usually feed on food crumbs and live in the appliances. They do not fly or climb. But you might see them in the shower at night. 

Asian Cockroaches

This is one of the most common Texas cockroaches in every home. Their description might sound similar to the German cockroach, but you must know it is an entirely different species. It has light tan and two dark stripes that look like German cockroaches. They are about ½ inches long. 

Asian cockroaches mostly live outdoors but are more skilled fliers than their cousin, German cockroaches. They do not create havoc among the residents but can create a sense of fear among the residents. 

Brown-Banded Cockroaches

You will find brown-banded cockroaches mostly in East Austin. But they are different from other cockroach species. They do not like moisture and love to fly high above the ground. They have a set of dark brown bands all over their body and have light brown to tan color. They are tiny and can be a nuisance to your home. 

You can find these Texas cockroaches in the attic and ceilings, where they lay eggs. Thus, causing an infestation in the house. 

How to Prevent Cockroaches in Your Home?

Cockroaches in Texas are among the most common infestations found in your home in the Texas area. They can infect the food spreading diseases such as allergies, rashes, asthma, etc. So, you must keep these little critters out of your house. Here are some ways you can keep them out of your home –

Keep Your Home Clean

Take your trash out of your home. This is because the smell produced by the trash can attract roaches. Wipe and sweep your home every day with disinfectants to remove any food crumbs to ensure the cockroaches do not come running into the house. 

Keep the Lids Tight

Keeping the lids on the trash can tight is important to keep the garbage and smell contained. 

Check for the Leaks

Check for leaky pipes and small cracks on the bathroom floor. This is because these are primary entrances for the cockroaches, and you will find many Texas cockroaches dwelling in these moist areas. Seal any leak pipes, as this environment invites cockroaches. 

Remove any Unused Cardboard

Some Texas cockroaches use cardboard as hiding spots. So ensure to remove any unused cardboard which might lead to cockroach infestation.


Texas is popular because of the different types of cockroaches in the area. Hence, it is better to keep your home and backyard clean. Also, you must equip yourself with several home remedies, cockroach sprays, and roach bombs. These will help you get rid of Texas cockroaches. However, in case of heavy infestation, contact a professional to help you eliminate these scurrying creatures.

Water Bug Vs. Roach

Water Bug Vs. Roach

Well, a new comparison – Water Bug vs. Roach is here. You might find water bugs and roaches look the same. So this blog will tell you the difference between the two so that you can take the necessary precautions. 

Most of us are not experts in identifying water bugs and cockroaches. This is because they look very similar. However, some biological differences make them pretty different. The first and most common difference is that roaches belong to Blattodea, which includes termites, whereas water bugs belong to Hemiptera order. 

Source: Google Images

Despite the difference in classification, people often confuse them by their looks. This is common in the case of oriental cockroaches that reside near water bodies like sewers and other damp areas – as said by Dini Miller, Ph.D., professor of urban entomology at Urban Pest Management. However, while comparing the water bug vs. roach, what are the key points to be considered? 

We have covered five main differences between the water bug vs. roach to ensure you identify and eliminate them accordingly.

Water Bug Vs. Roach

We have created a table below to differentiate between the water bug vs. roach –

Points of DifferenceWater BugRoach
ColorBrown, tan, grayRed, brown, tan, black
Size 2-4 inchesUp to 3 inches 
Habitat Lives in moist, dark areas around freshwaters and lakes.Lives in warm and dark areas around the corner of the house.
Physical FeatureFlat and oval body with wings. Also, have antennae. Flat and oval body with no wings (even if some have wings, they cannot fly)
OrderBlatta OrientalisBlattodea
DietPredators which eat algaeScavenger
Group BehaviorResides in groupDwells in solitary except during the mating season

Water Bug Vs. Roach – Color

Water roaches are usually brown, tan, and gray, whereas roaches are red, brown, black, and tan. However, some may look similar from a distance. However, when looked at properly, you can see the color difference.

Water Bug Vs. Roach – Size

Usually, the water bug dominated the roach in size. A water bug can grow up to 3 inches – more than any cockroach size. Even if you do not measure them, you can still know the difference between them by their size.

Water Bug Vs. Roach – Habitat

Cockroaches dwell on land, whereas water bugs love to roam around moist areas such as sewers, water bodies such as freshwater, lakes, etc.

Water Bug Vs. Roach – Diet

Both water bugs and roaches are scavengers. However, cockroaches feed on rotting things, garbage, food, etc. Whereas water bugs are predators and will hunt smaller creatures. Also, they feed on garbage and algae.

Water Bug Vs. Roach – Bite

If something bites and you think it is a roach – you are wrong. Those creatures are water bugs. On the other hand, roaches do not bite.

Water Bug Vs. Roach – Group Behavior

Source: Google Image

Cockroaches usually stay in groups. However, water bugs are seen in solitude. But, sometimes, you will find cockroaches alone, and you might sometimes confuse it with a water bug. Even so, the difference in size of the roaches and water bugs will help you determine what that scurrying little creature is.

What Causes Water Bugs in the House?

Water bugs are aquatic insects, and you’ll find them near damp areas. However, they tend to get into the house if you live near a water body and are usually attracted at night. However, roaches invade your house anytime they want. All they need is a cupboard full of food items, a dustbin with stale food, shelter, etc. – and they are all set to make a living space behind the refrigerator, holes, and crevices of the wall. 

You will find water bugs and cockroaches in your home, usually at night. However, if there is a serious infestation, you will find them all day. 

How to Get Rid of Water Bugs at Home?

If you see water bugs during the day – this is because you have a bug infestation. Hence, you must get rid of them ASAP. Water bugs and roaches are known to carry disease-causing bacteria and allergens that cause severe health problems. The best way to exterminate them is by using bait gels such as Advion cockroach Gel Bait to trap and get rid of them. Below are the benefits of Advion cockroach gel bait –

  • The bait matrix is highly attractive, which makes the cockroaches eat them. 
  • Targets highly populated cockroach infestation.
  • Can be used for indoor and outdoor purposes.

As water roaches are not resistant to insecticides, simply put the Advion cockroach gel bait in corners and cupboards – this will help you eliminate them. 


Be it water bugs or roaches, taking necessary precautions is extremely important. Now that you know the difference between water bug vs. roach, it will be easy to identify and terminate them if they invade your home.


Q1. Do water bugs bite?

Ans. Yes. Water bugs do bite. But their bites do not hurt much. Sometimes, rashes might occur but are not dangerous.

Q2. Are water bugs harmless?

Ans. Water roaches, also called water bugs, are at risk of contamination. They carry disease-causing bacterias which can make you sick. 

Q3. What happens when a water bug touches you?

Ans. When a roach touches you, it might scratch your skin with spined legs. 

Q4. Do water bugs lay eggs?

Ans. Many roaches are capable of laying eggs a few months after hatching. Female water roaches lay small oval-sized eggs about a week after hatching. 

Do Roach Bombs Work?

Do Roach Bombs Work

Roach bombs or foggers are a form of pest control that releases a mist of pesticide into the air, eliminating roaches and other bugs from the house. These products contain chemicals that control and help get rid of these pests. However, these are not considered safe in many households. 

Roaches infect all homes and households and are very adaptive to survive in urban regions. The survival mode of these roaches makes them a stubborn enemy to fight with. Hence, you use anything you can get your hands on to get rid of them for good. The house owners use several tools to ensure they do not have a cockroach infestation

In this blog, we will discuss if roach bombs work!

What are Roach Bombs?

Roach bombs are aerosol cans filled with gas to fumigate an area where you think roaches are residing. There are several pesticides available, but roach bombs are considered a great deal and also potentially dangerous. However, the cans are highly flammable. Thus, the risk of catching fire is high. Also, the gas released from the cans is hazardous for people. 

Without proper precautions, you might end up getting sick and even worse. So, ensure not to be around the area where the bombs are being used. 

Do Roach Bombs Work?

Even with high risks, you cannot miss any chances of getting rid of these pests. You can take several preventive measures to ensure you are not affected by the roach bombs. However, the question arises – Do Roach Bomb Work?

Roach bombs

Well, they efficiently do work and help eliminate all the roaches simultaneously. However, there are certain times when they don’t work. First, the gas cannot enter the cracks and holes in the wall or floor. Thus, the cockroaches hiding in the cracks cannot get eliminated. So, the only cockroaches that would be dead are the ones roaming around. 

Second, let’s assume all the roaches died with your roach bomb, but think again – Did you get rid of all the roaches? Well, no! Roaches lay eggs in hiding and keep them safe in the cracks of the walls. Hence, you still have roach issues. Roach bombs don’t kill roaches inside the egg shells. You have to wait for them to hatch to get rid of them (in case you don’t find them). 

What Can You Do to Eliminate the Roaches?

Roaches are tough to get rid of. However, there are several natural ways to get rid of them. Begin with cleaning up your rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. Seal the leaks in the pipes and keep your home nice and clean. Always check behind your doors and windows – sweep them every morning and evening to ensure cockroaches and their eggs (if any) are not around. Also, check and clean your basement and balconies to ensure these critters are not lurking in those dark areas. Thus, if you clean your home and surroundings every day, there will be no roaches, to begin with.   

Roaches can live in any environment, which makes them good survivors. They can hide behind your cabinet, refrigerator, and shelves in the kitchen. They eat anything they find – clothes, curtains, papers, plastics, etc. So, if you ever see chewed curtains and papers, note that there is an infestation.


Roach bombs are one of the most effective ways to eliminate cockroaches, yet most dangerous. So, if you do not want to use roach bombs, you can call a professional or use other tools readily available to eliminate these tiny pests. 


Q1. What is the use of roach bombs?

Ans. Roach bombs are considered one of the most effective forms of pesticide, releasing a mist that can eliminate the entire cockroach infestation.

Q2. What is better – a roach bomb or cockroach spray?

Ans. Spraying is considered safe and can eliminate cockroaches instantly. Whereas bombs can make them run far away from the area. 

Q3. What attracts roaches?

Ans. Dirt, pet foods, and damp areas in the house attract roaches.

Q4. Why do cockroaches suddenly appear?

Ans. Cockroaches usually invade homes in search of food and shelter to lay eggs. They can come through any cracks in the wall or drainage in the pipes connected to the sewers. 

Q5. What smells are cockroaches attracted to?

Ans. Cockroaches are usually attracted to the smell of meat, cheese, sugar, etc. Sometimes, rotting vegetables and stale food can also invite these creepers in.

Q6. Do cockroaches come out when the lights are on?

Ans. Cockroaches are not huge fans of lights. Hence, they prefer to lurk in the darkness. So, you can eliminate the roach problem by keeping your light on during the night. 

Amazing Facts About Palmetto Bugs

Palmetto Bugs

Palmetto bugs, also known as American Cockroaches or Smokybrown Cockroaches, usually infest homes during cold weather. They carry many disease-carrying bacteria, which can spread to humans if they contaminate the food. These disease-causing bacteria can cause severe health conditions such as – vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, etc. 

If you are scared of cockroaches and bugs but are unsure how to identify or eliminate them, this article is for you. 

How to Identify a Palmetto Bug Infestation?

Palmetto bugs are not seen during the day, making it difficult to understand if you really have an infestation. They prefer living in damp and moist areas and are often found under palm trees, shrubs, sewers, mulches, etc. However, if you look for the signs below, you can determine if these scurrying insects invade your house –

Palmetto bugs
Source: Google Images
  • Skin sheds and drops that look like grains or pepper flakes.
  • Strange musty smell in and around your house.
  • Chew marks on table clothes, bedsheets, curtains, etc.

You can find them around your trash bins, under the fridge, attic, drains, etc. They are primarily active during the night and are attracted to light. You can find them running toward the light during the evening to catch insects that fly around. They can live without food for up to three months and go without water for up to one month. 

What Does the Palmetto Bug Look Like?

Source: Google Images

Palmetto bugs are the largest house-invading cockroaches in the US, Southern Canada, and parts of Mexico. They have shiny bodies with reddish brown color and light tan spots on their head. They measure up to 27 to 40 mm long. They have wings but do not fly. 

Palmetto bugs are commonly confused with other cockroaches, such as – Smokybrown and Oriental cockroaches – also known as water bugs. As the size, shape, and color of all the species are almost similar, it is quite understandable that we often mistake these species as similar. Other names for palmetto bugs are – Florida Wood Roach, Water Bug, Flying Water Bug, and many more. 

How to Get Rid of Palmetto Bugs?

Palmetto bugs are common in shipyards, bakeries, markets, apartments, complexes, and other residential areas. They cause nuisance and spread disease. So you must get rid of them. Below are a few ways to get rid of palmetto bugs –

Sanitation and Cleanliness

Palmetto bugs are attracted to dirt and mess. So, if you have any open areas with garbage, clean them often and ensure you are not leaving your kitchen and pantry open and dirty. Also, the allies are most likely to be infested with them. So, always ensure to look for them here and there and get rid of them.

Seal the Drains and Pipes

Sealing all your leaky pipes and drains is better to ensure they are not invading the house. Also, they can enter the house through the cracked bathroom tiles. Tidy them up and seal them with good tile fixers.

Use Bug Traps

There are many bug traps found in the market. Keep them around the corner of your home with bits of food, and any bugs that move around will be stuck on them.

Vacuum Regularly

Clean up any food crumbs or particles to eliminate the threat of these scurrying creatures. This is because the leftovers are the potential food source for cockroaches and bugs.

Set Out Neem Oil Baits

You can find neem seed extracts and spray them in every nook and corner of your home. This interferes with the hormones of palmetto bugs, which stops them from breeding. 

Use Old Coffee Powder

Palmetto bugs and cockroaches are attracted to the scents of coffee. Put a jar with water and coffee in the corner of your house where you have seen the creatures. Once they enter the jar, they won’t be able to escape. Keep the jar in the same spot, and once you see a good number of bugs trapped, throw away the jar. 

Chemical Control

Chemical control can be your best friend when nothing works, and the infestation is too much. There are many professional roach killers who will help you with the problem. Also, if you think of using chemical control, the best way to eliminate them is by using food as bait.

How to Prevent Palmetto Bugs Infestation?

Source: Google Images

Palmetto bugs enter the house through infested suitcases, boxes, and other containers. So, checking any boxes or containers you bring in is essential. Follow the steps below to prevent infestation of palmetto bugs –

  • Put the door seal under your door to ensure no gaps for the bugs to crawl through.
  • Put attic and vent screens so that no bugs can come through those openings
  • Seal all the cracks and dents in the wall or sink.
  • Use a dustbin with a lid so the trash is not exposed, which could invite the bugs.
  • Fix any leaky pipes or drainage system.
  • Don’t leave food in the open.
  • Clean up your bathroom and kitchen more often.
  • Recycle cans and bottles.


People usually joke that palmetto bugs can survive the nuclear attack – however, they cannot survive the nuclear attack but can sustain 15 times the radiation than humans. Also, they can survive months without food. They originate from different states of the US. But no matter where they are from, they are pests that need to be eliminated.


Q1. Do Palmetto bugs bite?

Ans. Palmetto bugs rarely bite people. Even if they do, their bite is not painful and poses no threat. 

Q2. What scent keeps away Palmetto bugs?

Ans. Mint oil has been very effective in keeping away palmetto bugs. It does not kill them but works as a great bug-repellant. 

Q3. Should you be scared of palmetto bugs?

Ans. Palmetto bugs are not scary. However, many people are scared of them as they can contaminate food.

Q4. Can Palmetto bugs get you sick?

Ans. Palmetto bugs can get you sick if they contaminate your food.

5 Fascinating Facts About Water Roaches

water roaches

Water roaches, also known as giant water bugs. They are not bugs – but a species of cockroaches. They are part of the peridomestic cockroaches – a type of cockroach living outside your home. They are reddish brown to dark brown in color and can grow up to 1-5 inches long (depending on the order). They are attracted to damp and darker areas like the kitchen, bathroom, basement, etc. 

With time they have acquired many names – Palmetto bugs, True bugs, Toe-biter, and many more. Water roaches include – Oriental cockroaches, Smoky brown, and American cockroaches. They might not sound fearsome, but they can cause lots of trouble if they are in your home. But what causes them to invade the house?

Well, water roaches usually do not invade the home. However, when they do – they search for food. Also, they will likely enter your home if you live near a water body. Hence, keeping your sink area and bathrooms clean and tidy is important. Also, ensure to fix any water leakage. With so many species of cockroaches, water roaches have some amazing characteristics – read below to know more about them.

5 Fascinating Facts About Water Roaches

Below are some amazing facts about water bugs –

It is the Largest True Bug (Member of Hemiptera Order)

Water roaches are the largest bugs. They grow to 5 inches long and are mainly common in Northern South America. 

Giants Water Roaches Can Get Cannibalistic

A hungry giant water bug can eat almost everything it can get its claws on – sometimes its babies and other roaches’ babies (only when they are starving). Hence, they are said to have cannibalistic characteristic. Female Lethocerus are also known to destroy the egg clutches deposited by other females when there are not enough males with good egg-laying grounds. It is also seen they eat others unless food is scarce.

Giant Water Roaches Mating Can Take Several Hours

In the back brooding giant water bugs, mating is a long process. First, the males do a little push-up in the water, which seems like a signal or vibration to which the females respond. Once they find each other, they mate. Once they are done, the female climbs on the back of the male water roaches and lays eggs. Then, the male shakes her off, and they start mating again. The mating process goes on for a very long time until most of the back area of the male is covered with eggs. They take approximately 6 hours to mate and lay all of the eggs.

Not all Giants Water Bugs are Giant

Belostoma Parvum, a giant water roach from northern South America, can grow to less than a centimeter. Hence, it is not a Giant Water Bug. Some of the species are very small and are not really ‘giant’ at all. If you see them munching on a mealworm, the worm is bigger than them. 

Giant Water Roaches Have Skilful Flood-Avoidance Behavior

If a huge flood comes their way, water roaches crawl out of the water before it floods. It takes shelter away from the stream or river; once the flood passes, they return to the river and return to its daily activities. Dr. Dave Lytle recorded a video where he artificially stimulated the flood using a water hose, and the water roach is seen to get out of the water until the flood is gone. 


Aren’t these water roaches adorable? Though some of you are scared of them – and at times, you must be. This is because they carry disease-carrying bacteria and might contaminate your food, causing food poisoning. They usually do not invade your homes, but when they do, ensure to get rid of them. 


Q1. Can water roaches bite you?

Ans. When they do not find food, they tend to bite you.

Q2. What diseases do water roaches carry?

Ans. The following are the diseases that water roaches carry –
1. Cholera
2. Giardia
3. Leprosy
4. Dysentery

Q3. What eats water roaches?

Ans. The following animals eat water bugs –
1. Birds
2. Crayfish
3. Wasps
4. Frogs
5. Bullfrogs

Q4. Can water bugs fly?

Ans. Water bugs or oriental cockroaches do not have full-sized wings. Hence, they cannot fly.

Do Grasshopper Bite?

do grasshopper bite

You must have seen grasshoppers everywhere and wondered – “Do grasshopper bite?” If you are one of those who are scared of grasshoppers, this article is for you.  

Grasshoppers are one of the most common species that you will find in your backyard or garden. These insects can be brown, green, yellow, and sometimes olive. If you do not know much about grasshoppers, here are some quick facts about these creatures –

  • Usually, male grasshoppers are brightly colored to attract females for mating. 
  • They can differ in size according to their species. Some can be around half an inch long, while others can be 3 inches long. Also, females are usually bigger than males in size. 
  • They have two sets of wings, short antennae, and large eyes. They have long, heavily muscled hind legs that allow them to jump quickly. 
  • They are most active during the day and do not live in nests or territories. 
  • Most live in dry areas with lots of grass and low plants. 
  • They mostly eat plants and grass. 

Do Grasshopper Bite?

If you are thinking – ‘Do Grasshopper Bite?’, then there are lots of theories on grasshopper bites. Some say that though they are natural herbivores, they tend to bite humans. However, they usually depend on plants for food. Hence, they bite on food, not humans. Grasshoppers don’t have teeth; thus, they have to tear their food down. So, for this, they use their mandibles. 

Mandibles are the two jaws in which the grasshoppers put their food and grind it up so that it can be easily swallowed. We can consider the mandibles as a pair of scissors that helps these dedicated skippers to eat their food. They eat almost everything, including leaves, stems, fungi, etc. 

Do Grasshopper Bite Humans?

Do you like picking up grasshoppers or keeping them as pets? Do grasshopper bite if you pick them up? 

Well, the answer is – Yes. They are very much capable of biting humans. However, their bite feels much like a pinch. Their mandibles are designed to cut through the leaf and foods. Hence, they cannot cut through human skin. The main risk comes from the swarming phase. A subspecies of grasshoppers participating in the swarming phenomenon is known as locusts. 

As per National Geographic, the term ‘locust’ is used to describe the grasshoppers’ change in behavior when they start participating in groups. This happens when they become aggressive and gregarious. These locusts generally attack crops on a large scale. But they might bite when touched or come into human contact. Out of all these reasons. They bite when they feel threatened.

What are the Symptoms of a Grasshopper Bite?

do grasshopper bite

You won’t feel the grasshopper’s bite, you can see some visible mild symptoms like-

  • Redness 
  • Swelling
  • Blotch on the skin
  • Itchy skin

Usually, the symptoms go away within a day or two. 

What to do if Grasshoppers Bite?

If a grasshopper has bitten you, follow these simple first-aid tips –

  • Remove any piece of mandibles.
  • Clean the area with an antiseptic liquid or soap.
  • If the bite is swelled up, use ice or a cold compress. 
  • You can take OTC medications and pain relievers like ibuprofen if you feel pain. 
  • Use calamine lotion – it will calm your itch. 
  • Lastly, avoid scratching the area. 

What Attracts Grasshoppers in Our Homes?

Grasshoppers usually do not live inside your home. Instead, they find solace outside your home if the climate is peaceful. So, if the climate outside is cold, they might enter your home to find shelter. Now that you know grasshoppers enter your home, you can take the following preventive measures –

  • Mow the lawn regularly. This does not leave much food for them to munch on.
  • Keep plants like Zinnias outside your home. This is because grasshoppers are attracted to these plants.
  • Spray insecticides regularly. 


To conclude, the answer to your question, “Do Grasshopper Bite,” is – not usually. They either bite when they feel threatened or are in swarms. They rarely harm you. So, if you find a grasshopper dancing in your garden, you can happily pick it up and keep it as a pet. 


Q1. Are Grasshoppers Bite Poisonous?

Ans. Grasshoppers are not poisonous; when they bite people, the effects do not last long. 

Q2. Do grasshopper bite release spit?

Ans. Grasshopper spit is a fluid released from their mouth while biting, containing partially digested plants and enzymes. However, it is not toxic to humans.

Q3. Can grasshoppers sting?

Ans. Yes. Grasshoppers sting with their mandibles – which might cause a little discomfort. 

Q4. Do grasshoppers carry disease?

Ans. The only DNA virus found in grasshoppers is – Entomopoxvirus. 

Q5. Do grasshopper bite hurt?

Ans. Grasshoppers bite might sting which usually go away within a day or two. Sometimes, it may cause swelling and itching.

How to Identify Water Bugs Like a Pro?

how to identify water bugs

Identifying insects is not our best ability. This is because most of them look almost similar to each other. Every creeping flat insect is considered a cockroach. One of the most common insects that look like cockroaches is water bugs. Though they are almost similar, there are several differences between them. In this article, we will discuss how to identify water bugs. 

Are Cockroaches the Same as Water Bugs?

Cockroaches and water bugs might look the same but belong to different orders in the animal kingdom. Cockroaches belong to the Blattodea order, whereas water bugs belong to the order Hemiptera. 

Despite their dissimilarities, it is easy for people to get confused between a cockroach and a water bug. Some people even call cockroaches – water bugs, says Scott O’Neal – an urban entomologist at the University of Nebraska. 

What are Water Bugs?

Water bugs refer to a member of an infra order of insects known as Nepomopha, which contains more than 2000 species found globally except in the icy regions of the north and south poles. Some live in freshwater and feed on fish, while some are amphibians feeding off fish and other insects. 

Source: Google Image

The water bugs group is called ‘the hidden horned ones.’ This is because of their antennae which are short and weak. Another name for these creepers is ‘toe-biter’ because they tend to give a painful bite on human toes. These insects are called True Bugs. Some other insects from the same group are – assassin bugs, bed bugs, leafhoppers, shield bugs, etc. 

How to Identify Water Bugs – Appearance?

Appearance is one of the factors that you can consider to identify a water bug –

Source: Google Image

Body Structure

You can identify water bugs by their appearance. They have long, flattened bodies and legs. They have two compound eyes and do not have ocelli – which other insects have. This feature is common in the insects from the Heteropetra suborder.


They have short antennae which are tucked into the grooves behind the eyes. Though they are amphibians, they cannot breathe underwater. So, they have retractable breathing tubes that reach the water’s surface for air to breathe while in water. 


Water bugs have eight pairs of legs, and their first pair of legs are modified to catch their prey. They catch their prey with their frontal legs and inject potent saliva to paralyze them with piercing mouthparts. 


The giant water bug, the biggest species in the group, is 2-4 inches long. Another large species – the water scorpion, is between 0.6 to 1.8 inches long. 


Water bugs are usually tan to dark brown and mostly do not fly.

How to Identify Water Bugs – Habitat?

If you are wondering how to identify water bugs based on habitat – check near damp areas and water banks. They cannot survive the cold weather and are usually found in the aquatic region – mainly in freshwater. A few family members are found along the edge of the water bodies. 

How to Identify Water Bugs – Diet?

Source: Google Image

Water bugs are usually predators. They prey and feed on other insects. Larger water bugs prey on small fishes and other amphibians. While some species are omnivorous and feed on aquatic plants as well. 


Now that you know how to identify water bugs, it will be easier to distinguish between a cockroach and water bugs. Cockroaches are home pests while water bugs live in aquatic regions. But some bugs can invade your home. 


Q1. Are water bugs dangerous?

Ans. Not all water bugs are dangerous. However, some bugs, like the Scorpion water bug, can give you an excruciating bite. However, their bite is not harmful.

Q2. How to get rid of water bugs at home?

Ans. Below are the ways you get rid of water bugs –
1. Eliminate the food source
2. Keep the place dry
3. Keep your area clean

Q3. What kills water bugs fast?

Ans. A mixture of boric acid and water is the most effective solution to eliminate water bugs.

Q4. What causes water bugs in the house?

Ans. Water bugs access your home through water pipes and drain. To keep off these creepers, seal off the cracks and keep the place dry and clean.Â