Have you ever wondered this – “Do Cockroaches Eat Each Other?” However, they don’t seem to have cannibal traits. But, to your surprise and in addition to your sense of fear – scientists have recently found a shocking characteristic of cockroaches – CANNIBALISM!
There are six species of cockroaches that are found to have cannibal traits. However, as per the study, other 4,494 species might have the trait. The primary motivation of roaches is survival and preservation. Also, they are said to eat their poop.
What Do Cockroaches Usually Eat?
Mostly cockroaches are omnivores – which means they eat both plants and animals. They usually feed on starches, sweets, greasy foods, and meats. They are not picky eaters. Hence, they eat everything, including book bindings, wallpapers, glue, stamps, leathers, fingernails, hair, toothpaste, soap, and sometimes shredded skin. Hence, they are great scavengers and can eat clothes as well.
You usually find German or American cockroaches crawling around your home. So, let us check out what these cockroaches eat in and around your house.

American cockroaches prefer to eat the following –
- Dead or Wounded Cockroaches
- Flour
- Meat
- Sugar
- Fatty Food
- Starchy Food
German cockroaches prefer the following –
- Paper
- Tea and Beer
- Baked Foods
- Fermented Foods
- Dead Animals and Insects (even their species)
Do Cockroaches Become Cannibals?

Eating each other is never a cockroach’s first instinct. They normally do not eat their kind and species. This is because they are scavengers, not predators. Here’s what they normally eat –
- Fruits, berries, or any other vegetation, even the rotten ones
- Animal carcasses or the bodies of other insects
- Rotted woods
- Decaying leaf matter
While at home, if they feel starvation, they go for any leftovers or trash. As they are resilient creatures, they do not accept starvation, leading them to bite humans and eat each other.
Why do Cockroaches Eat Each Other?
Below are some of the reasons why cockroaches eat each other –
Mating Conflict
This is true that spiders eat their mates during copulation. However, some cockroach species are also seen to eat their male partners. This is a rare behavior, but they usually have a clear motive behind this – lack of nutrients. They need nutrients even though sometimes, they do not carry their young in their womb. If they do not find the source of nutrients, they prefer devouring other members of their species.
According to the Asian Food Science Journal, a cockroach can provide enough nutrients. Once roach can offer the following –
- Crude Protein
- Crude ash
- Fiber
- Carbohydrates
- Nitrogen Extract
- Moisture
Harsh Conditions

Cockroaches are cold-blooded creatures and generate their body heat. Hence, they can survive in any situation. However, if, under any circumstances, the temperature drops too low, their metabolism begins to slow down. This does not kill them, but they reach the stage when they struggle to produce heat. Hence, it is common to see cockroaches developing cannibalism traits during winters or in areas of extreme cold. They need nutrients to produce heat and keep their body warm – which they get from other members of their species.
Another valid answer to your question – “Do Cockroaches Eat Each Other?” is – roaches live in large colonies, and as long as there is space, they will live in peace. However, they start feeding on other cockroaches if there is overcrowding or overpopulation. This is because they do not have access to food or shelter due to overpopulation. Here, large cockroaches will feed upon other smaller cockroaches and those injured, lost limbs, wings, etc. This is their – “Survival of the Fittest”
Lack of Food
If your house is clean and tidy, cockroaches are in dire need of finding food. This increases their starvation and encourages them to eat whatever they find – even other cockroaches. Also, in some cases, you will find they feed on their body parts. This is considered as the most legit answer to the question – “Do Cockroaches Eat Others?”
Do Cockroaches Eat Each Others Dead?
Cockroaches eat each other when the other one is dead. However, you must note that this is not a self-preservation tactic or a meaningless desecration of a corpse. This helps the ecosystem. As per the Biotropica, cockroaches are detritivore herbivores, while some claim to be omnivores.
This means they eat rotten leaves, fruits, and other decaying organic matter – which means the cockroaches recycle what other cockroaches leave behind. White digesting, they process and turn it into waste which acts as fertilizers for the earth.

Cockroaches do not leave their dead. They clean up the mess and ensure the nitrogen is adequately dispersed into the air – which helps the environment. However, you may notice the roaches do not immediately eat their dead because cockroaches, when they die release oleic acids – a fatty acid that produces a “death scent.” These scents warn other roaches of the potential danger. Once the smell fades away, the hungry roaches feed on them.
So the answer to the question – Do Cockroaches Eat Each Other Dead is – YES!
Do Cockroaches Eat Their Nymphs?
As per the Journal of Economic Entomology, adult cockroaches eat their nymphs. They usually eat their young to regulate their population. Nymphs are easy food for adults because –
Nymphs are Fragile
Roaches are not predators or hunters and do not like fighting for food. As nymphs do not have good motor function, they are fragile and do not fight back, making them an easy meal. They are small and cannot bike back with the same intensity, and sometimes they do not even see the attack coming. However, some species such as German cockroach nymphs, have defense mechanisms. They produce a pheromone that repels adult cockroaches.
Nymphs Have Soft Exoskeletons
Nymphs start molting right after they have hatched. This leaves them vulnerable and easy to attack. After a few hours, their skin will harden, making it hard to penetrate the teeth. However, right after the molting, the new skin is delicate and can be punctured easily – making it very hard to survive.
Nymphs are Not Agile
Nymphs cannot run fast. Hence, they lack speed and agility. When the colony is overpopulated, and the cannibal traits take over, the nymph cannot flee the danger of being eaten – making them easy targets. However, not all species eat their young ones. Giant Northern Cockroaches care for their young and have high maternal instincts. When there is no food, they will search for food and bring it back to their nest.
Do Cockroach Nymphs Eat Each Other?
According to the Journal of Insect Physiology, cockroach nymphs also sometimes get cannibalism traits. They will eat their dead sibling.
Cockroach nymphs are quite independent and do not require their parents to feed them. They find their food, and it is no surprise that they can eat if there is a nutrient deficiency. This is because they need a considerable amount of nutrients to grow, and feeding on their siblings is the best way to survive when the resources are depleted.
The above article explains your question – “Do Cockroaches Eat Each other?” Cockroaches can eat anything and everything. This is because they are so easy to get rid of. You can mix any cockroach repellent to the fix and keep it in the corner for them to eat.