You must have seen grasshoppers everywhere and wondered – “Do grasshopper bite?” If you are one of those who are scared of grasshoppers, this article is for you.
Grasshoppers are one of the most common species that you will find in your backyard or garden. These insects can be brown, green, yellow, and sometimes olive. If you do not know much about grasshoppers, here are some quick facts about these creatures –
- Usually, male grasshoppers are brightly colored to attract females for mating.
- They can differ in size according to their species. Some can be around half an inch long, while others can be 3 inches long. Also, females are usually bigger than males in size.
- They have two sets of wings, short antennae, and large eyes. They have long, heavily muscled hind legs that allow them to jump quickly.
- They are most active during the day and do not live in nests or territories.
- Most live in dry areas with lots of grass and low plants.
- They mostly eat plants and grass.
Do Grasshopper Bite?
If you are thinking – ‘Do Grasshopper Bite?’, then there are lots of theories on grasshopper bites. Some say that though they are natural herbivores, they tend to bite humans. However, they usually depend on plants for food. Hence, they bite on food, not humans. Grasshoppers don’t have teeth; thus, they have to tear their food down. So, for this, they use their mandibles.

Mandibles are the two jaws in which the grasshoppers put their food and grind it up so that it can be easily swallowed. We can consider the mandibles as a pair of scissors that helps these dedicated skippers to eat their food. They eat almost everything, including leaves, stems, fungi, etc.
Do Grasshopper Bite Humans?
Do you like picking up grasshoppers or keeping them as pets? Do grasshopper bite if you pick them up?
Well, the answer is – Yes. They are very much capable of biting humans. However, their bite feels much like a pinch. Their mandibles are designed to cut through the leaf and foods. Hence, they cannot cut through human skin. The main risk comes from the swarming phase. A subspecies of grasshoppers participating in the swarming phenomenon is known as locusts.
As per National Geographic, the term ‘locust’ is used to describe the grasshoppers’ change in behavior when they start participating in groups. This happens when they become aggressive and gregarious. These locusts generally attack crops on a large scale. But they might bite when touched or come into human contact. Out of all these reasons. They bite when they feel threatened.
What are the Symptoms of a Grasshopper Bite?

You won’t feel the grasshopper’s bite, you can see some visible mild symptoms like-
- Redness
- Swelling
- Blotch on the skin
- Itchy skin
Usually, the symptoms go away within a day or two.
What to do if Grasshoppers Bite?

If a grasshopper has bitten you, follow these simple first-aid tips –
- Remove any piece of mandibles.
- Clean the area with an antiseptic liquid or soap.
- If the bite is swelled up, use ice or a cold compress.
- You can take OTC medications and pain relievers like ibuprofen if you feel pain.
- Use calamine lotion – it will calm your itch.
- Lastly, avoid scratching the area.
What Attracts Grasshoppers in Our Homes?

Grasshoppers usually do not live inside your home. Instead, they find solace outside your home if the climate is peaceful. So, if the climate outside is cold, they might enter your home to find shelter. Now that you know grasshoppers enter your home, you can take the following preventive measures –
- Mow the lawn regularly. This does not leave much food for them to munch on.
- Keep plants like Zinnias outside your home. This is because grasshoppers are attracted to these plants.
- Spray insecticides regularly.
To conclude, the answer to your question, “Do Grasshopper Bite,” is – not usually. They either bite when they feel threatened or are in swarms. They rarely harm you. So, if you find a grasshopper dancing in your garden, you can happily pick it up and keep it as a pet.
Q1. Are Grasshoppers Bite Poisonous?
Ans. Grasshoppers are not poisonous; when they bite people, the effects do not last long.
Q2. Do grasshopper bite release spit?
Ans. Grasshopper spit is a fluid released from their mouth while biting, containing partially digested plants and enzymes. However, it is not toxic to humans.
Q3. Can grasshoppers sting?
Ans. Yes. Grasshoppers sting with their mandibles – which might cause a little discomfort.
Q4. Do grasshoppers carry disease?
Ans. The only DNA virus found in grasshoppers is – Entomopoxvirus.
Q5. Do grasshopper bite hurt?
Ans. Grasshoppers bite might sting which usually go away within a day or two. Sometimes, it may cause swelling and itching.