Roach bombs or foggers are a form of pest control that releases a mist of pesticide into the air, eliminating roaches and other bugs from the house. These products contain chemicals that control and help get rid of these pests. However, these are not considered safe in many households.
Roaches infect all homes and households and are very adaptive to survive in urban regions. The survival mode of these roaches makes them a stubborn enemy to fight with. Hence, you use anything you can get your hands on to get rid of them for good. The house owners use several tools to ensure they do not have a cockroach infestation.
In this blog, we will discuss if roach bombs work!
What are Roach Bombs?
Roach bombs are aerosol cans filled with gas to fumigate an area where you think roaches are residing. There are several pesticides available, but roach bombs are considered a great deal and also potentially dangerous. However, the cans are highly flammable. Thus, the risk of catching fire is high. Also, the gas released from the cans is hazardous for people.
Without proper precautions, you might end up getting sick and even worse. So, ensure not to be around the area where the bombs are being used.
Do Roach Bombs Work?
Even with high risks, you cannot miss any chances of getting rid of these pests. You can take several preventive measures to ensure you are not affected by the roach bombs. However, the question arises – Do Roach Bomb Work?

Well, they efficiently do work and help eliminate all the roaches simultaneously. However, there are certain times when they don’t work. First, the gas cannot enter the cracks and holes in the wall or floor. Thus, the cockroaches hiding in the cracks cannot get eliminated. So, the only cockroaches that would be dead are the ones roaming around.
Second, let’s assume all the roaches died with your roach bomb, but think again – Did you get rid of all the roaches? Well, no! Roaches lay eggs in hiding and keep them safe in the cracks of the walls. Hence, you still have roach issues. Roach bombs don’t kill roaches inside the egg shells. You have to wait for them to hatch to get rid of them (in case you don’t find them).
What Can You Do to Eliminate the Roaches?
Roaches are tough to get rid of. However, there are several natural ways to get rid of them. Begin with cleaning up your rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. Seal the leaks in the pipes and keep your home nice and clean. Always check behind your doors and windows – sweep them every morning and evening to ensure cockroaches and their eggs (if any) are not around. Also, check and clean your basement and balconies to ensure these critters are not lurking in those dark areas. Thus, if you clean your home and surroundings every day, there will be no roaches, to begin with.
Roaches can live in any environment, which makes them good survivors. They can hide behind your cabinet, refrigerator, and shelves in the kitchen. They eat anything they find – clothes, curtains, papers, plastics, etc. So, if you ever see chewed curtains and papers, note that there is an infestation.
Roach bombs are one of the most effective ways to eliminate cockroaches, yet most dangerous. So, if you do not want to use roach bombs, you can call a professional or use other tools readily available to eliminate these tiny pests.
Q1. What is the use of roach bombs?
Ans. Roach bombs are considered one of the most effective forms of pesticide, releasing a mist that can eliminate the entire cockroach infestation.
Q2. What is better – a roach bomb or cockroach spray?
Ans. Spraying is considered safe and can eliminate cockroaches instantly. Whereas bombs can make them run far away from the area.
Q3. What attracts roaches?
Ans. Dirt, pet foods, and damp areas in the house attract roaches.
Q4. Why do cockroaches suddenly appear?
Ans. Cockroaches usually invade homes in search of food and shelter to lay eggs. They can come through any cracks in the wall or drainage in the pipes connected to the sewers.
Q5. What smells are cockroaches attracted to?
Ans. Cockroaches are usually attracted to the smell of meat, cheese, sugar, etc. Sometimes, rotting vegetables and stale food can also invite these creepers in.
Q6. Do cockroaches come out when the lights are on?
Ans. Cockroaches are not huge fans of lights. Hence, they prefer to lurk in the darkness. So, you can eliminate the roach problem by keeping your light on during the night.