The term Texas cockroach identifies the cockroaches living in the Texas area. People living in Texas might know it is one of the most “Roachiest” areas in the United States. This is because the climate in Texas is very suitable for roaches to live in. The heat waves and flood drives them into the houses, causing cockroach infestation. Thus, it is not the most appropriate place for those who cannot stand the sight of these little critters.
In this blog, we will discuss how to survive the Texas cockroaches.
What are the Types of Texas Cockroaches?
To understand how to survive these cockroaches and stop cockroach infestation, you must know what the types of cockroaches in Texas –
American Cockroaches
Among all other cockroaches, American cockroaches are monsters. It is huge and has an oval-shaped body with flat, spiny legs, long wings, and antennae. They are reddish brown in color and have a yellow ring-like pattern behind their heads. With such distinctive colors and detailed features, it is easy to recognize if you see them roaming around.

They live inside and outside of your home comfortably. They need dark and moist spaces, such as a basement, boiler rooms, kitchen, etc. If outside, they live in the trees, decomposing logs, city dumpsters, storm drains, sewer systems, compost, etc.
They have a wing of up to four inches and fly like a noisy airplane. You can hear the flutter while they are in the air. And, of course, they look scarily huge while flying. However, the worst part is they have the habit of flying toward you, and sometimes, they might land on you – this gives chills down the spine, doesn’t it?
German Cockroaches
German cockroaches are one of the most dangerous Texas cockroaches. Once they get settled somewhere, they will spread until they are all over. They cause severe destruction. Once they enter your house, they will never leave easily. These tiny light brown cockroaches are among the smallest of the species. Due to this reason, they usually go unnoticed.

Apart from its tiny size, a German cockroach has dark stripes running down its back. The black marking is more visible in the cowl behind its head. It is thicker and bolder on younger roaches who do not have wings yet. They can live in any holes and crevices on the wall because of their tiny and flat bodies. Also, they can lay dozens of eggs at a time and prefer tightly confined and well-hidden spaces which are closed and well-hidden. You will find them behind the kitchen cabinet and pantry areas, under your refrigerator, and behind the cupboards and almirahs. They are also one of the flying Texas cockroaches. Also, they leave droppings everywhere they go, spreading disease by contaminating food.
Oriental Cockroaches
Oriental cockroaches have a shiny exoskeleton and easily be identified among Texas cockroaches. Their potent and strange stinky smell easily distinguishes them. They can grow to 1.25 inches long and are often called mid-size cockroaches. They are rounder than German cockroaches and have shorter antennae. They have wings that are short or almost non-existence. Also, for better identification, they are jet black in color – which is rare among cockroaches.

These Texas cockroaches love to dwell near damp and moist areas like garages, bathrooms, laundry, and other perimeters in your house. They are much more agile than other cockroach species and usually feed on food crumbs and live in the appliances. They do not fly or climb. But you might see them in the shower at night.
Asian Cockroaches
This is one of the most common Texas cockroaches in every home. Their description might sound similar to the German cockroach, but you must know it is an entirely different species. It has light tan and two dark stripes that look like German cockroaches. They are about ½ inches long.

Asian cockroaches mostly live outdoors but are more skilled fliers than their cousin, German cockroaches. They do not create havoc among the residents but can create a sense of fear among the residents.
Brown-Banded Cockroaches
You will find brown-banded cockroaches mostly in East Austin. But they are different from other cockroach species. They do not like moisture and love to fly high above the ground. They have a set of dark brown bands all over their body and have light brown to tan color. They are tiny and can be a nuisance to your home.

You can find these Texas cockroaches in the attic and ceilings, where they lay eggs. Thus, causing an infestation in the house.
How to Prevent Cockroaches in Your Home?
Cockroaches in Texas are among the most common infestations found in your home in the Texas area. They can infect the food spreading diseases such as allergies, rashes, asthma, etc. So, you must keep these little critters out of your house. Here are some ways you can keep them out of your home –
Keep Your Home Clean
Take your trash out of your home. This is because the smell produced by the trash can attract roaches. Wipe and sweep your home every day with disinfectants to remove any food crumbs to ensure the cockroaches do not come running into the house.
Keep the Lids Tight
Keeping the lids on the trash can tight is important to keep the garbage and smell contained.
Check for the Leaks
Check for leaky pipes and small cracks on the bathroom floor. This is because these are primary entrances for the cockroaches, and you will find many Texas cockroaches dwelling in these moist areas. Seal any leak pipes, as this environment invites cockroaches.
Remove any Unused Cardboard
Some Texas cockroaches use cardboard as hiding spots. So ensure to remove any unused cardboard which might lead to cockroach infestation.
Texas is popular because of the different types of cockroaches in the area. Hence, it is better to keep your home and backyard clean. Also, you must equip yourself with several home remedies, cockroach sprays, and roach bombs. These will help you get rid of Texas cockroaches. However, in case of heavy infestation, contact a professional to help you eliminate these scurrying creatures.