Types Of Roaches: Identify and Control them
Even finding a single roach at your place can be alarming. Roaches are extremely notorious and spread innumerable diseases. Contaminated food or water, once consumed, can have adverse effects on the human body. Roaches are a primary carrier of most pest-borne diseases, plus, they’re utterly disgusting to even look at.

Often, they slyly hide behind moist and dark areas like inside the kitchen cabinets or underneath the sinks. They also tend to hide in restrooms. Identifying different types of roaches can be an ordeal. If we don’t identify them correctly, we won’t be able to implement proper pest control techniques.
Are you struggling with an upsurge of pests at your place? Are you finding it hard to distinguish between different types of roaches? We’re here to help! In this blog, we will discuss what different types of roaches are, how to identify and control them.
Types Of Roaches
1. German Cockroach

The most commonly found roach is the german cockroach. It is notoriously known for spreading diseases like viral diarrhae. They are mostly brown in color and have long and slender bodies. They have two distinguishable protruding tentacles.
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2. American Cockroaches

Unlike their german counterpart, American cockroaches are stouter and midget-like. Their characteristic thick body and long hind legs serve as identification.
They’re the toughest to get rid of. Immediately inform pest control authorities if you spot them.
3. Oriental roaches

Oriental roaches, also known as water bugs, are very distinct looking. They are generally black in color with some brown spots. Unlike most common roaches, all their limbs aren’t of the same size. The size ascends from the forelimbs to the hindlimbs, with the hind limbs being the longest and most distinct.
4. Smoky Brown Cockroach

Smoky Brown Cockroaches are difficult to tell apart from most other common cockroaches. One of their most distinctive features is their dark brown, almost black, opaque body. They are typically a little larger in size than most common cockroaches.
5. Dubia Roaches

One of the most disgusting roaches of all time is the Dubia roach. People easily confuse them with oriental roaches. They are brown or black in color and breed very quickly. They infest harvesting grounds and food storage areas. They’re known to spread most insect-borne diseases.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do cockroaches bite?
Cockroach bites haven’t really been documented. Cockroaches typically avoid humans, and their mouths aren’t sturdy enough to pierce through human skin.
How to avoid cockroaches?
To avoid cockroaches, one must have a clean and hygienic environment. Make sure to take proper pest control measures and keep your living space as clean as you can.
What diseases do cockroaches spread?
Cockroaches spread vector-borne diseases like:
Typhoid Fever.
We hope this blog helps you get a clear understanding of different types of roaches and how to identify them. Keep an eye out on our website for future blogs on pest control and bugs. Stay healthy, and stay pest free!